Compensation For High Cremation Costs

Following Government’s decision last Thursday to allow open pyre cremations for COVID-19 victims, one spiritual head believes Hindus should be compensated for the exorbitant prices incurred at crematoriums. Head of the Satya Anand Ashram, Pundit Satyanand Maharaj is hoping this is considered by Government, even on a case by case basis.

On Thursday the Office of the Attorney general indicated that permission be granted following discussions with the Prime Minister as well as medical experts led by the Chief Medical Officer. However, it indicated that protocols and guidelines would be discussed with stakeholders for holding open pyre cremations.

In response, Mr Maharaj said the decision was a breath of relief but implored Government to consider compensating Hindus who were made to pay as much as $18,000 to $35,000 to cremate their loved ones.

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