OSHA Investigates Fatal Incident at Paria Fuel Trading Company Limited

The Occupational Safety and Health Authority and Agency says it has initiated its own investigation into the incident which involved the deaths of four men contracted by Paria Fuel Trading Limited.

The Agency via a statement said its investigation will seek to address the accident in the context of the duties and requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act Chapter 88:08, and to seek to determine the cause. It said on Friday 25th February 2022, the OSH Agency received notification from Paria Fuel Trading Company Limited of an accident in which five divers employed by the contractor LMCS became trapped inside of one of the company’s pipelines while performing maintenance works. The Agency said it immediately responded to the report and was led by its Chief Inspector who attended the scene of the accident immediately upon notification.

OSHA said it remains committed to fostering the protection of the safety and health of all persons in workplaces in Trinidad and Tobago and compliance with the OSH Act.

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