Over eight hundred (800) houses will be added to the public database following the completion
of four (4) new and ongoing construction projects by the Trinidad and Tobago Housing
Development Corporation (HDC), by the end of the second quarter of 2023. An additional one
thousand six hundred and eighty (1680) units are expected to be completed by the final quarter
of 2023. There will also be an additional 1,428 housing start in 2023.
The Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Camille Robinson-Regis, the Chairman of the
Board of Directors of HDC, Noel Garcia, and the HDC’s Managing Director, Jayselle McFarlane
were among several officials who toured Malabar Site 1 (Heron Court), Malabar’s Small and
Medium Contractors (SMC) Housing Initiative, Bon Air North and Real Spring on 29 August 2022.
The team also visited Oropune Gardens, which will soon get a community centre and commercial
During the site visits, Minister Robinson-Regis stated that the Corporation must return to its
moorings which is to deliver affordable housing solutions to lower and middle-income families.
She said the citizens on the Housing Application Fulfilment System (HAFS) cannot afford the high
cost of the HDC’s homes. “HDC has a track record of building good frames” which families later
convert into mansions and are proud to call home, she reiterated.
The Chairman said construction would start on a community and commercial centre in Oropune
Gardens in a few weeks. The Development will benefit from flood mitigation, landscaping and
refurbishment work to be done by the Corporation. The long outstanding matter of the deeds
to 166 homeowners in Oropune Gardens has been resolved and is currently being prepared by
the HDC’s attorneys.