Key Points From the Press Conference Hosted By Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley – Monday 12th September 2022
- Prime Minister Rowley called a press conference to provide an update on his latest trip to Europe where he met with major global energy companies who have significant investments in Trinidad and Tobago.
- Dr Rowley shared some of the topics discussed at Proman which include : Future exploration and production of Natural Gas, To provide feedstock for local plants, New developments in shipping and The possibility for T&T to be a major refueling point on global transportation routes.
- Dr Rowley also indicated that part of the discussions with Proman was for T&T to access financing for new projects including : New technology, Green energy and Alternative energy generation and storage.
- The Prime Minister shared that in his discussions with BP, he was provided with an update on their plans for future gas production including the sanctioning of new projects. The discussions also touched on the progress of the Atlantic LNG restructuring negotiations which is expected to be finalized soon.
- The Prime Minister indicated that Shell has committed to assist Heritage and the Government of T&T to improve seismic interpretations on the Soldado Field, which will bring about improved drilling completions and success as we seek to extract more oil.
- Prime Minister Rowley explained that if no new investments or improvements are made now, the levels of gas that will be available in T&T by 2026 – 2028 will have far reaching consequences for Government revenues and by extension, the quality of life for people in the country. The Prime Minister assured citizens that the Government has been working and will continue to work towards changing this outlook.