The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) continues to work assiduously and strategically to improve the user experience on the TTPS App.
The TTPS App, launched in November 2019, allows citizens to provide information on crime and criminal activities anonymously to the police, from the convenience of their mobile devices. Users can also utilise the ‘SOS Feature’ to alert police and their emergency contacts to any dangerous situations in which they may find themselves.
The latest update to the application is the introduction of a language translation feature, which makes it easier for users to communicate information to the TTPS in their native language and also receive replies and report receipts from officers in that language. The feature utilises cutting-edge and intuitive translation technology, to provide unambiguous translations and most importantly, meaning, in each message.
Acting Commissioner of Police, McDonald Jacob, commenting on the new feature said, “The TTPS, being aware that Trinidad and Tobago is now a multi-linguistic society and that there is a need for swift and efficient communication with the population, welcomed the opportunity to embark on this initiative with UN Refugee Agency. We have essentially provided an effective avenue for persons who speak a different language to access our services and speak with our officers. I believe this contemporary approach, will result in increased trust and confidence in the TTPS, which is needed to foster good relations within the society and help in crime prevention.”
The language translation feature, which meets the changing needs of our country’s diverse, multi-cultural population, is supported by UNHCR Caribbean, the UN Refugee Agency. UNHCR Head of National Office in Trinidad and Tobago, Miriam Aertker, in advocating for the initiative said, “At UNHCR, we believe that everyone benefits from national policies and mechanisms that are inclusive. We are happy to support the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service with translation technology for the TTPS App, so that non-English speakers including refugees and migrants are also able to contribute to national safety by sharing information and reports with the police.”
The TTPS App currently has over 28,500 active users.
– Trinidad and Tobago Police Service