Key Points From the Ministry of Health’s Virtual Media Conference – Monday 11th October 2021
– Technical Director of Epidemiology, Dr. Avery Hinds announced that 7 additional cases of the Delta Variant have been detected bringing the total number recorded to 49. Dr Hinds added that 5 of these new cases had no travel history meaning that it is likely that undetected chains of community transmission are ongoing.
– Director of Women’s Health, Dr. Adesh Sirjusingh provided an update on COVID-19 figures for pregnant women and indicated that 744 cases have been recorded since March 2020. Dr. Sirjusingh also stated that there have been an increasing amount of COVID-19 cases observed in pregnant women, with September 2021 recording a record 161 cases.
– Dr. Sirjusingh addressed the claims of Covid vaccines causing menstrual disturbances and stated that no definite link has been established but research is ongoing. He went on to say that there are many common causes for menstrual disturbances some of which are as follows:
Weight gain/loss
Fibroids (which 8 out of every 10 women in T&T experience at some point)
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Thyroid Disorders