TTPS: No Explosion at Central Bank

The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service wishes to advise that investigations have revealed that an explosion did not take place at the Central Bank Building, Eric Williams Plaza, Independence Square, Port of Spain today.

Around 11:39am today, Tuesday 19th October, 2021, the fire alarm at the Central Bank Building was triggered. Fire appliances from the Wrightson Road Fire Station under the command of FSO Commissiong responded, along with police officers from the Central Police Station and CID Front Office.

On arrival, police interviewed E/Insp Khan of the Central Bank Estate Police, who reported that smoke from the Destruction Room, which is next to the vault triggered the alarm and all personnel were evacuated from the buildings.

Inquiries revealed that the source of the smoke was a worn gear wheel belt on a compressor. The Fire Service personnel made their inspection and cleared the building for re-occupation.

The TTPS would like to reiterate that there was NO explosion, NO sabotage, NO injuries or any other criminal activity in relation to this incident.

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