Ministry Of Education Expands Vacation Revision Programme

The Ministry of Education’s Vacation Revision Programme is meant to target underperforming students and assist them in enhancing their academic performance and various skills.

While students are exposed to subjects such as Mathematics, English Language Arts and Writing, they will also study dance and drama.

Students entering Standards Four and Five now have the opportunity to participate in the Programme, as well as those entering Form One.

Acting Guidance Officer II, Carina Henry-Carrington, discussed why the decision was made.

In a release earlier this month, the Ministry of Education said in 2023, the percentage of students scoring above 50 percent on the SEA was 58.06 percent versus 37.06 percent in 2022, and 52.49 percent in 2021.

Senior Social Worker Sule Dyer said the Student Support Services will also focus on the parents, and address four topics including coping and resilience. While registration for Primary Schools are closed, students entering Form One can still register for the Programme.

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