To commemorate World STEM Day, students from primary schools across the country showcased projects they created to promote conservation in the third annual Pennacool Science and Conservation Competition.
The twenty finalists in Pennacool’s Science and Conservation Competition explained the concepts of their displays to the judges. A fitting way to mark World STEM day, celebrated on November 8. The acronym stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Minister in the Ministry of Education, Lisa Morris-Julien, commended the organizers of the annual competition and encouraged everyone to adopt a school.
“So anything that keeps our children’s interests, anything that inspires our children to dream a bit and this is why I like Pennacool. They are an inspirational company and they always commit so much to our students and therefore when you commit to our students you commit to our future.”
Managing director of Pennacool, Phaessuh Kromah highlighted the importance of the competition.
“STEM education plays a transformative role in equipping our students with the skills they need to tackle complex challenges, innovative solutions and make a lasting impact on our world.”
Corporate Communications Advisor at Shell Trinidad, Kelli Marie Patel noted young people are making strides in the science sector.
“Programmes like this remain important because they help you to understand how the world works. How everything around us effects other things that may be within our sphere of the environment. Science, energy, conservation and learning about them from young is extremely powerful.”
Meanwhile Communications adviser at bpTT, Luis Araujo explained why the energy company has been supporting the annual programme.
“We were attracted to this programme at first because really it combines three areas we are focused on, are focused on, science, of course, forms the basis of what we do on a daily basis, engineering is what we do as a business, conservation helps us to think in the long term. How what we do today impacts the world, us, our friends and family in the long term.”
This year’s competition was launched in September 2024 and the students submitted projects ranging from virtual reality and solar displays to water filtration systems.