In the aftermath of severe flooding across South Trinidad, residents have started the clean-up process even while many areas still grapple with the damage left behind by days of rainfall this week.
Raffick Baksh of Katwaroo Trace in Penal and his family were engaged in their clean-up when they spoke to TTT News.
“Water all inside as you could see mud all about all meh doors and everything swell up already with that water. Every year we does have this same problem and when yuh talk, when yuh ask for a lil help, nobody doesn’t want to give you no help, and the fridge, well everything here we jack it up, still water does hit it. Right now one of the fridge kinda down because water hit everything.”
Sahadeo Ganpat of Clarke Road in Penal said he and his neighbours deal with the issue of flooding annually.
“Apparently I live in almost the lowest area and every time the rains fall, we got a lot of flood in my area here. Downstairs in my bedroom I have almost two feet of water right now, presently right now, flooding in the kitchen, living room, dining room, right through. Right now I have a real problem with that.”
Homeowners in South are working tirelessly to clear their homes of debris, mud, and silt deposited by floodwaters as well as waterlogged furniture, damaged appliances, and belongings that couldn’t be salvaged.