Remembering Road Traffic Victims

On Sunday, Arrive Alive TT’s “Walk, Ride, and Run” event paid tribute to lives lost in road traffic accidents.

The annual event also marked the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims.

President of Arrive Alive, Sharon Inglefield said the instant someone loses their loved one due to a road traffic accident, life changes.

“The emotional chaos of that day is so strong that it is etched in out memories forever therefore at this event the world day of remembrance for road traffic victims 2024 we remember the stories of that day we are all grieving for our families and friends we speak for those who are voiceless, too much pain, too much grief….we feel the void and the emptiness that comes from loss.”

Miss Inglefield also shared the improvements that she would like to see in Trinidad and Tobago when it comes to road safety.

“We would like to see cycling lanes, we would like to see better maintained pedestrian sidewalks, we would like to make sure that we recognize and respect the vulnerable road users on our roads who have a right to everyday…to safe travel to and from work, to and from school and back.”

Minister of Works and Transport, Rohan Sinanan said a change in driving culture is needed to address the issues of road fatalities and accidents.

“We have seen a spike, in certain areas we have seen reduction in certain areas, but the drive that we are on is to actually change the entire road culture here in Trinidad, so I’m very this morning that we could have this big turnout here it shows that there are a lot of awareness people are concerned and we’re all here to support each other.”

He urged citizens to be vigilant on the nations roadways during the holiday season.

“Again we are approaching the Christmas season and the Carnival season and the last thing I want to hear is that we have a spike again during those periods it’s a custom sometimes, sometimes it’s the custom that when we go out we say one for the road, the last one for the road we want to eliminate that this year we want to bring our road fatalities down.”

Despite improvements in driver and cyclist safety Minister Sinanan expressed concern over the 57% rise in pedestrian fatalities this year.

He added that some of the Ministry’s efforts to improve road safety include the implementation of cable barriers and enhancements to the road network.

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