Approval For Grants And Payments For Carnival ’23

Approximately 5 million dollars has been approved by cabinet to support un-sponsored steelbands for Carnival 2023 and the payment of 5 hundred dollars to each steel pan player for Panorama 2023. .

A release from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, explained that these measures were taken in recognition of the significant role Steelbands and the Steelband movement plays in the cultural and social fabric and development in Trinidad and Tobago, as well as, the financial difficulties faced by individuals and organizations in the Steelpan movement as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

1.8 million dollars will be made available for 153 steelbands – 94 Conventional and 59 Single bands. 15 thousand dollars for Conventional Bands and 7 thousand five hundred dollars for Single Pan Bands.

And 3.1 million dollars has been approved for a maximum of 6 thousand 2 hundred and eighty three players at 5 hundred dollars each, for steel pan players for Panorama 2023.

Players must be a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago, a holder of a national identification card or other legitimate identification, a registered player with an eligible Steelband and must perform with a band up to the preliminary round of Panorama.

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