His Royal Majesty Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, The Asantehene, was ushered into the Lidj Yasu Omowale Emancipation Village with the Ghanian greeting “Akwaaba” today.
“Akwaaba” is a common expression in Ghana which means “welcome.”
During the programme, His Majesty and those who gathered at the Grand Stand of the Queen’s Park Savannah were treated to cultural performances including the Wasafoli Dance Group.
While the topic of reparations have often come up during Emancipation Day, Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley said that at the level of CARICOM there is a Committee to advance the cause of reparation and to educate those who claim not to know and take any responsibility for the African Holocaust.
He revealed that he wrote a letter to the British Monarch soon after Barbados became in Republic in 2021.