Agriculture Minister Visits Flood-Hit Farming Communities

Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries Kazim Hosein has committed to assisting farmers especially those affected…

Farmers Devastated By Floods

As flood waters continue to affect communities across the country, President of the Agricultural Society of…

YAHP Sod Turning

Chatham in Point Fortin is one of the communities to benefit from the Youth Agricultural Homestead…

Agriculture Minister: State Land Leases For Bonafide Wallerfied Farmers

The Government remains resolute in ensuring that the “real farmers” acquire long-term State leases for agricultural…

Agriculture Society Helping Flood Affected Farmers

The Agriculture Society of Trinidad and Tobago has embarked on a Farmers Outreach Programme to assist…

Agriculture Minister: State Support Necessary In Attracting Youth Into Agriculture

As a major purchaser of food, the State must be willing to provide support to our…

Locust Invasion In Princes Town

Swarms of locusts invaded Princes Town over the past week, devouring any foliage in their path.

World Food Import Bill Increases By 10%

There has been a ten percent increase in the world food import bill over the last…

Empowering Sustainable Communities

Empowering sustainable communities. This is the aim of the Trinidad and Tobago Solid Waste Management Company…

Another Step Towards Food Security – MOU Signed For Youth Agricultural Homestead Programme

Millions of dollars along with hundreds of acres of land have been set aside for the…

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