Gwendolyn Forde is the country’s latest centenarian, having reached one hundred years of life.
She was recently honoured by the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services at an event in San Fernando.
Ms. Forde, who said her secret to longevity is “always praying,” celebrated her birthday earlier in January.
Congratulating Ms. Forde, Minister of Rural Development and Local Government Faris Al-Rawi shared the significance of celebrating and appreciating such moments.
“They represent an important part of life, reflecting upon our generations ahead of us, celebrating their love and existence. Today is the second celebration we’ve had for Auntie Gwendolyn. The first one was on her birthday itself on the 23rd of January. The young man next to her is her son, who is eighty years old but doesn’t look anywhere near it.”
Ms. Forde, who made a career out of polishing chairs and tables, shared that at this stage of her life, watching her children grow makes her happy.
Minister of Social Development and Family Services Donna Cox shared her thoughts on Ms. Forde’s milestone achievement.
“It’s not every day people live to one hundred. So this is a great achievement I see, and that’s the reason why we decided to celebrate them. The numbers have been increasing, so it tells us that a lot of people in Trinidad and Tobago live to a ripe old age, as we would call it.”
The National Centenarian Programme provides care, support, and recognition, highlighting the lives of those who have reached 100 years and beyond.
Minister Cox said the estimated number of registered centenarians under the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services database is over two hundred. She urged persons to register those over 95 years old to allow for celebrations such as these.
“We take the database off of persons who receive our senior citizens’ pension. But it is not everyone on the senior citizens’ pension, so that’s the reason why we want persons to register their centenarians with the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services. Just call our Division of Ageing and register them.”
Centenarians represent a generation that defies the estimated life expectancy. Gwendolyn Forde, who urged young people to “behave and pray,” then acts as a model for long life.