Imbert : No Collapse At UWI St Augustine

Finance Minister Colm Imbert says it is ‘absurd’ to ask the taxpayers of this country to fund the current proposal of the West Indies Group of University Teachers (WIGUT), which would cost upwards of $700 million in backpay.

Finance Minister Colm Imbert hit back at the Opposition for implying that there would be a ‘complete shutdown’ of the University of the West Indies St Augustine Campus due to ongoing protests.

“If we were to accept the proposal from WIGUT, the back pay would be $701 million as at March 2024. The cost of the 4% offer which we have offered to everybody else and which is being accepted by most trade unions, is estimated at back pay of 79 million and 12 million in additional recurrent expenditure”

Minister Imbert pointed to the proposal from the West Indies Group of University Teachers (WIGUT).

“I am told the WIGUT is asking for the following. With effect from July 2014, 8%. With effect from July 2015 another 8% and with effect from 2016 another 8%, a total of 24% for the period 2014 to 2017”

The Minister said any settlement of wages at the U.W.I. will place the responsibility of Government to fund the increase, noting that it is ‘not prudent’ to impose this burden on taxpayers, and urged all parties to utilize dispute resolution.

“It is ridiculous for the Member opposite to ask taxpayers of this country to fund a settlement in a wage matter which is funded by the taxpayers. The government has to fund UWI. Even this 4% offer will cost the Govt $79 million, it is absurd”

The U.W.I. St Augustine Campus on Thursday urged all parties to move this process forward productively and swiftly, ensuring a resolution that benefits not only its staff, but also the students which it said is creating anxiety during a critical time, where exams are around the corner.

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