Low Projection For 5G Adoption Regionally

Chief Executive Officer of TSTT, Lisa Agard, says the Caribbean is at risk of being left behind, noting that the prospects of 5G in the Caribbean remain low.

Speaking at the Caribbean Association of National Telecommunications Organizations (CANTO) Conference on Tuesday, she noted that the investment in 5G technology does not make business sense. She pointed to a 2030 projection of 5G adoption around the world, with the Caribbean just a measly 2%.

Ms. Agard noted a significant drop in revenue for telecommunication companies due to less calls being made over the network, and more usage of social media platforms to connect.

She pointed out that from 2017 to 2021, voice revenue declined from $643 million to $348 million, and mobile revenue moved from $1.5 billion to $958 million, while fixed internet tevenue only increased by a small percentage.

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