Despite the financial challenges currently being faced by this country and the globe, the Government continues to do its part to provide assistance to families.
That’s according to the Minister of Sport and Community Development, Shamfa Cudjoe.
On Wednesday, 33 families in Trinidad received $612,000 in Grant funding from the National Commission for Self Help Limited (NCSHL) to do structural repair work to their homes.
Nineteen of those families came from the Moruga/Tableland constituency – $335,000 in Grants were distributed there.
Minister Cudjoe said it is their business to continue to put the people of this country first.
The remaining 14 families were from the Mayaro Constituency – They received an estimated $277,000. The minister said they aren’t just changing the aesthetic for some homes, they are also providing a safe and secure space for families through the grants.
These funds will be allocated through the Minor Repairs and Emergency Repairs Reconstruction Grant, the Reconstruction Assistance Grant and Development Programmes under the Commission.