MOH: 346 Cases Of Influenza In T&T Since July

The Ministry of Health has confirmed that there have been 346 confirmed cases of the Influenza (flu) virus in Trinidad and Tobago.

According to an update from the Ministry on Saturday, it said the cases, representing 48% males and 52% females, were recorded over the period July 2022 to October 2022.

The Ministry therefore is reminding the public of the signs and symptoms of the Influenza virus which may include:
· Fever
· Runny Nose
· Cough
· Sore throat
· Headache
· Malaise
· Chills
· Body pain or muscle pains

The public is also advised that the Influenza virus may be more severe than the common cold. Additionally, members of the public are asked to wash hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser. Also, avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth and where possible, avoid close contact with sick people.

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