The National Insurance Board of Trinidad and Tobago (NIBTT) has embarked on a digital transformational journey which will bring about greater operational efficiencies with a clear customer-centric focus. The EMPOWER project is the NIBTT’s digital solution which is designed to address strategic organisational needs and the business requirements of several key areas of the NIBTT.
As the NIBTT evolves to meet the changing needs of all stakeholders, digitisation of many of the organisation’s operations is a core driver for service delivery and growth. Leveraging technology is a fundamental deliverable of the NIBTT’s Vision 2024 Strategic Plan, and the EMPOWER project is critical to advancing this technical thrust.
On Friday May 27th, 2022, the NIBTT executed a Master Agreement for Managed Service with Fujitsu Caribbean (Trinidad) Limited; a significant milestone for the EMPOWER project. Having engaged in a structured and rigorous procurement process for a leading digital services partner for this solution, Fujitsu Caribbean (Trinidad) Limited emerged as having the requisite level of technical, business skills and experience to satisfy the requirements, and to deliver the functionality and efficiencies intended for the EMPOWER project.
Ms. Niala Persad-Poliah, Executive Director of the NIBTT and the EMPOWER project sponsor, hailed this partnership and looks forward to the deliverables of the project for employers, employees and staff of the NIBTT. According to Ms. Persad-Poliah “the NIBTT is a 50-year-old organization, and we are highly paper-based, but our transformation through the EMPOWER project is going address our pressing needs for improved operational efficiency. I have no doubt that our partnership with Fujitsu Caribbean (Trinidad) Limited will yield the results necessary to propel the NIBTT in achieving its vision of being an Innovative Provider of Relevant National Insurance”. Fujitsu’s CEO, Head of Caribbean and Latin America, Mr. Mervyn Eyre, lauded the partnership and expressed that “We are so proud to have the opportunity to play a major role in NIBTT’s “Empower” transformation program and to be able to contribute to Trinidad & Tobago’s wider digital journey”.
Among the many benefits of the EMPOWER project will be self-service options for customers, employees and employers (online claims submissions, access to contribution statements etc.), digital channels of service delivery, reduced time for the settlement of claims and easier access to information. Over the next eighteen (18) months, the NIBTT will be implementing major deliverables of the EMPOWER project, on a phased roll-out basis, to all stakeholders.