Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley is calling on parents to encourage the youth to be independently-minded, ambitious, respectful, and entrepreneurial with a mindset of “getting ahead”, rather than “getting by” and “getting along”.
In his Emancipation Day message to the nation, the Prime Minister said Emancipation Day is a good day to go beyond the celebrations and reflect on the wave of violence in our communities.
Targeting the youth and the family in particular Dr. Rowley asked whether we are good listeners to our children and whether we are telling them that success comes from discipline, effort, patience, thrift, temperance and inner peace; that sharing is caring, and that there are opportunities in crises and lessons in adversity?
The Prime Minister mentioned that he has put a team of policymakers in place to consider his suggestion that violence be considered a national public health emergency.
Dr. Rowley said this wave of violence should not be seen as centred only among the African community, because the irrationality, as reported, appears to be the reflexes and impulsiveness of various pockets across the society.