Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley today joined other regional leaders in Paramaribo, Suriname for Day One of the 43rd Regular Meeting of the CARICOM Heads of Government.
During the morning plenary session heads received an update on COVID-19 and the region’s preparedness to treat with monkeypox. They also engaged in discussions related to the ongoing implementation of the Caribbean Single Market and Economy. In the afternoon heads met in caucus to address several matters including security, community governance and border issues.
Today, Prime Minister Rowley also participated in bilateral discussions with Secretary General of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), His Excellency Georges Rebelo Pinto Chikoti.
The Secretary General emphasized the need for both Africa and the Caribbean to work together to overcome the marginalization and discrimination that both regions have faced when engaging with their European counterparts.
The Prime Minister congratulated the Secretary General on his appointment and indicated that it coincided well with initiatives from both the Caribbean and Africa in addressing the long-standing issue of reparations.
The Prime Minister urged that action must be taken in order to engage Europe on these matters as Europe could no longer remain silent on such a critical issue for the people of Africa and the Caribbean. Dr. Rowley indicated that the Caribbean has always adopted a principled stance against injustice and emphasized Trinidad and Tobago’s outspoken role in supporting movements of Independence in Africa and in calling for the end of discrimination.