Mother, sister, friend, Member of Parliament, and Minister. The life of Lisa Morris Julian was eulogised as the People’s National Movement’s Women’s League gathered to remember her.
Mrs. Morris Julian died on Monday with two of her children during a fire at her home on Farfan Street in Arima.
Minister of Energy and Energy Industries, Stuart Young, along with a representative for Chairperson of the PNM National Women’s League, Camille Robinson-Regis, were among those who shared their fond memories of Lisa Morris Julien.
Speaking in his capacity as Chairman of the PNM, Minister Young described Lisa Morris-Julian as a live wire who charged the lives of those around her.
“Lisa exemplified everything good. She was humble. She was committed. What Camille didn’t tell you all and the Women’s League didn’t tell you all, she was our keyboard warrior in the background. Lisa would draft the difficult releases. Lisa would rally the troops. The PNM, on Monday, lost one of our greatest sisters and one of our greatest assets, in my humble opinion, that we have ever had.”
Standing in for Chairman of the Women’s League Camille Robinson-Regis, Second Lady Vice Chairman Marilyn Lewis Tobias read from a script prepared by Mrs. Robinson Regis.
“Lisa had no interest in conforming to some pre-packaged version of what a Member of Parliament or Minister should be and because of that, she would often run afoul. But Lisa was Lisa, no pretense, frank and upfront, passionate and real. The principles which she held dearly would always be the anchor on which she relied.”
Pastor Stacey Ramcharan of the El Gibbor Christian Network had some advice for those gathered for the Memorial Service.
“Love is why she did what she did. And just as she lived selflessly, she also died selflessly. And if we are to honour her memory, then we also need to live selflessly.”
Earlier this week, Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley confirmed that Cabinet took the decision to provide a State-assisted funeral for the former Minister in the Ministry of Education and her two children.