PSA Unhappy With CPO’s Position on Cost Of Living Allowance

The Chief Personnel Officer is expected to meet with some eleven Unions/Associations in the coming weeks, to engage in negotiations for revised terms and conditions for approximately 90,000 thousand Public Service employees.

Discussions began with members of the Protective Services including the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force, Police, Prison and Fire Services on March 28th and the Public Services Association on April 1st.

However President of the Public Services Association, Leroy Baptiste is already expressing dissatisfaction with the Chief Personnel Officer’s position with respect to the non consolidation of the Cost of Living Allowance (COLA).

In a notice to the PSA’s membership on Friday, the PSA President noted that the CPO said COLA will not be considered with salaries prior to any increases as this cannot be afforded by the state and if this is to be considered there may be no negotiations.

The CPO will continue discussions with the Unions representing the daily paid workers on April 4th, and the Trinidad and Tobago Unified Teachers Association on April 7th.

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