PTSC Unveils New PoS Coach Waiting Area

Commuters utilizing the Public Transport Service Corporation, PTSC Deluxe Coach will now access services in comfort and with a number of added conveniences. All with the aim of providing an increased customer service experience.

On Friday, the PTSC management hosted a soft launch of its Coach Waiting Area at its Port of Spain Hub. The brand new waiting area is only accessible to Deluxe Coach passengers and includes comfortable seating, with specific seating for the elderly and pregnant women, cable television screens, wash-rooms and a charging station. The space also features an improved, visible information kiosk, manned by Customer Service Representatives.
A break room for staff has also been included in the refurbishment process.

Other PTSC hubs are also on schedule for these improvements. The Sangre Grande Coach Waiting Area has been completed and work will begin at the San Fernando Coach Waiting Area soon.

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