TTUTA: Only Forms Five & Six In Physical School

The Trinidad and Tobago Unified Teachers Association (TTUTA) says at this time only students of Forms 5 and 6, working on practical components, should return to physical school.

TTUTA via a media release says it will be a logistical nightmare for educators to teach and manage both upper and lower school students in the physical and virtual contexts.

In addition, TTUTA says at a recent bilateral meeting with the Ministry of Education, they highlighted the obvious worsening of situations of inequality faced by many of the nation’s students since the start of this pandemic.

In a media release on Tuesday, the Ministry of Education indicated that Fully Vaccinated Secondary School students of Forms 4 to 6 will be able to physically return to the classroom on October 4th.

The Education Ministry added that the re-opening guidelines will be made available to Principals within the coming week.

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