WASA Grants Three Month Amnesty

The Water and Sewerage Authority has granted a three month amnesty to allow owners and/or occupants of properties with illegal water connections to regularise their status during the period July 19th to October 18th, 2022.

In a media release, WASA says the amnesty will allow owners/occupants of properties with illegal water connections to regularise their status thus avoiding disconnection, penalties, and the possibility of legal action.

The amnesty will apply specifically to owners/occupants of properties with illegal connections, customers with unregistered swimming pools, customers who are VAT-registered but classified as a residential customer, and customers classified as building or yard tap but now have internal plumbing.

WASA says customers in these categories can face a one-year retroactive charge or disconnection of their service. However, during the period of the amnesty, these charges as well as the Authority’s right to disconnect will be waived.

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