Themed ‘Navigating Growth And Opportunities Expo,’ the Youth Mobilisation Foundation Expo, is seeking to bridge the gap between organisations implementing youth programmes, and the youth accessing them within Trinidad and Tobago.
Minister of Energy and Energy Industries, Stuart Young, was guided by the words of the National Anthem for his speech at the Youth Mobilisation Foundation expo.
“My first message to you today, because you are the young people, where we are on the brink of something, we are on the brink of something that is going to take place in Trinidad and Tobago that is gonna carry us forward and build a momentum for your future. Never forget that, every creed and race find an equal place because that is one the beautiful things about Trinidad and Tobago.”
Minister of Education, Dr. Nyan Gadsby-Dolly, emphasised the significance of career fairs, which offer platforms and opportunities to shape the outlook of the future for the youth. She encouraged students to take on all challenges that come their way.
This message resonated with a student who said this opportunity offered a chance for her to learn more about the Information Technology courses offered by several institutions present at the Expo, as well as a lesson in confidence.
“I gained not to give in to peer pressure and that I should really follow my dreams. You know it had some people that tell you that you can’t do this, you can’t do that, and I learnt just to listen to myself so I can follow my goals and dreams, and what I aspire to be in the future.”
Nursing student from the University of the Southern Caribbean, Sharise Small, offered her experience to students interested in the field.
“I am really explaining to them as to what is required of us as nurses, and some of the things that we do. They were really excited as to coming into the programme, coming into the field of nursing because, again, the nurses are the backbones of the hospitals, of the Health Centres, of the community because we don’t usually only see patients in the hospitals but we expand our arms to persons in the environments around us.”
The launch was held at the National Academy for the Performing Arts.